Friday, October 26, 2012

A Normal Day

It started out as a normal December day - very chilly outside as I dropped the children off to school and arrived at work. Accomplishing many tasks, mid-morning I went downstairs for a cup of coffee. Standing over the coffee pot, chatting with my fellow workers, one of them brought cookies back by the coffee pot from a businessman in town and mentioned he wanted to speak to me. I asked who it was and did not recognize the name, so she mentioned the business. It was pretty usual for people running a business in town to want to speak to me, in order for me to speak to the Mayor for them. Just a normal December day. The cookies were a plus - my favorites from Raymondi's Bakery - especially the ones with colored sprinkles :)

I approached the counter, introducing myself as we shook hands. He spoke for a while - some personal information and mentioning he had heard of me through Carol at Public Works. I do love Carol - we started with that in common. Nothing touched too much on business, so after he left, I went upstairs to my desk and wondered. Was there more he wanted to discuss but the counter was not the place?

So, I called the business and asked for him. We spoke for quite a while and I learned that we were fighting similar battles as single parents. I was grateful he had reached out and recommended several books that had helped me.

It did not seem too unusual - and began on a normal December day - but it was my introduction to the man that the Lord would use to drastically change my life.
I am eternally grateful for normal days.

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