Monday, March 29, 2010


March 29, 2010
It was a posting on Caring Bridge. David mentioned doing something "normal" and caulking the bathroom shower floor while listening to oldies music one sunny day after his cancer diagnosis. Caulking - he loved to "putz" around our home and accomplish something.
So, caulking today was a new step forward for me. I have done it before but gladly turned it over to David once we married. It was okay for me not to try to fit a small line of wet gook in a tight space for 15 years :)
I think it looks okay - and if it doesn't, that is okay, too.
It is kind of amazing how much meaning things can have to us - how many memories can be ignited with simple things.
I am so grateful for the gift of memory - that God allows us to remember things - what a blessing.
As I imagine David walking by Jesus' side, enjoying things so wonderful that I can't possibly imagine them, I like to think that every once in a while they look down together and watch - David smiles and says to Jesus "There goes our girl - she's moving forward." And, Jesus might reply - "Yeah - that's why I gave her to you - I knew everything you two would experience and I knew that when your days on earth were complete, she would be grateful and move forward."
Love you,