Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Enemy - Fear

It is called The Opposite of Faith - It is known as False Evidence Appearing Real - It is the first word used by angels in the Bible when humans come upon their magnificent presence - "Fear Not".
And, it is the enemy of our peace - the enemy of Our Lord's presence that He promises - Peace!
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
"Do not be troubled. In the world, you will have trouble - but I have OVERCOME the world." John 16:33

He - Jesus - has overcome our troubles - including fear.
It has been a personal battle of mine for years - I have prayed and struggled to be free from fear - and it is a struggle. But, my prayers are being answered. Each year, I notice more and more joy and less fear in my life.

For years, I have appreciated Chiropractic wisdom and Medical wisdom - but sometimes, these two forms of treatment have given me cause for alarm against the other one. I have struggled with:
Fear of immunizations - fear of adjustments - fear of chemical prescriptions - fear of natural healing - fear of trusting Doctors - fear of blood pressure readings - fear of cancer - fear of Chiropractors - fear of hurting my body - fear of death - to name a few :)

No more. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against me - that I choose Life and Blessings" (Deut. 30:19)
and, in choosing Life and Blessings, I renounce fear.

I trust The Lord to guide me to medical and natural healing - in His perfect timing.
I trust His discernment in me to make decisions and choices that will bless my body and give me peace. And, I trust Him to lead me to wise counsel - using whatever means or humans He chooses - for His path of blessing that gives me life.

I accept what He sovereignly knows what will be best for me - and the others I deeply love. After all, He loved them first. So, I trust His sovereignty - and thank Him for being so involved in every aspect of our lives.

Join me in renouncing fear - and let's enjoy whatever He has for us today - His peace - since He has overcome what concerns us.

For Jesus' Glory - and so the enemy flees.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Puzzle And A Book

It was started by strangers - a puzzle left out in a large waiting room of a Doctor's office.
As I walked past the table, I slowly looked at the picture on the box of what it could become - a beautiful picture by Thomas Kinkade that could bring light onto the table once completed. I stopped yet stayed standing, wondering if I should pass some time waiting for my name to be called - by gently placing hopeful pieces in a home.
Well, it caught my interest as the first piece I touched moved into its slot.
I stood for a while and a woman approached.
"A puzzle", she muttered.
She moved a few pieces around and I showed her why I was working on the area that caught my eye.
"I think we can find this piece that will finish this area," I said, somewhat asking for her help.

We both worked together for a while - no words exchanged.
I looked up and as our eyes met, I knew she wanted to talk.
Our conversation began with the usual incidentals - where we were from - what we do with our time - and since she was pulling out a chair as she spoke, I did the same. The conversation continued for a while - the puzzle having a few pieces slide into place very slowly - and then it was said.

I told her about the book God encouraged me to write, Hope Revealed. I mentioned that I speak to women struggling with some of the things I struggled with like divorce, single parenting, remarriage and widowhood.
When I mentioned divorce, a tear formed.
Her story started to be revealed as the tear slid down her cheek.
She quietly shared intimate details of a 25 year marriage that ended sadly. She exposed her heart.
We continued to talk for quite a while - her visit to this Doctor was for support for her sister - and as she was being support, she was explaining her broken heart.
Another tear and a request for a copy of the book.

Her sister came out of the office and she introduced us with a smile. She mentioned my book to her sister and wrote down her name and address to receive one.
It was easy to hug her goodbye as, with God's timing, I was called into the Doctor's office.

I pray that the puzzle will bring a little light into the waiting room. And I pray that the book will bring a little light into her heart. And, Lord, that both lights will bring Jesus Glory.

God bless us, everyone.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quiet, Trust and Healing

"When you don't know what to do - don't do anything at all."
One of my favorite David Bulthuis' quotes. It always pointed me to Psalm 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God.
How difficult it is to Be Still!
Waiting is not a "normal" thing for me to do - and goes against my grain.
It feels so unproductive.
Yet, it seems to be when I am most productive - mentally receiving peace - talking to Our Lord instead of to myself or other human beings - waiting on the Lord and His timing instead of Mary's timing.
And, trusting Him to fix things instead of me.

Today, I released many things over to Him during this "quiet" time - waiting time - prayer time - alone with Him.
It is easier to find time to pray with and for others.
I do think it is related to my need to "fix things" - or others - so many hurting people!
Instead, today, we spent time "fixing" ME - not with pride by too much focus on myself - but with honest communication of thoughts that have been pummeling my brain for a long time - yes, I am a hurting person also.
He reminded me of a book with a chapter on forgiveness. We spent some time with it today.

It actually feels good to take "Mary" out of the job of fixing people - fixing situations - fixing problems -
and - YES - there it is -
Trusting that God is big enough to take care of things without her input :)

Now, there is victory.
Now, that is life abundantly -
I have come that they may have life - and have it to the full - John 10:10 -
Releasing our wasted tormented brain time over to The Lord -
Freedom - Peace - in being still - as He quiets and releases - yes - fixes us.
Thank You Lord - I Trust You!

Praise The Lord!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

So Familiar - So Similar

It started with the hotel giving us a room on the 4th floor and as we walked to our unit, it was on the right side of the building. The balcony view of the ocean was so familiar - so similar to the view I enjoyed in Florida for years with David at Silver Thatch Ocean Club, Unit 412 - our winter haven from the snow. We called it a "little slice of heaven".

The second morning, as I began my day with this beautiful ocean view, I noticed people starting to walk alongside the cresting surf - some were playing, some were jogging, some were walking their dogs - but all were enjoying God's creation of the ebb and flow of the beautiful blue water and the sweet, soft, almost-pink sand beneath their feet.

Marty and I spent some time studying Scripture and then prayed together to start the day. I decided to sit a while longer and read in a comfortable lounge chair, enjoying the sweet aroma of the ocean breeze.

And, out of the corner of my eye - a very familiar sight - a tall, thin man wearing long blue swim trunks and a golf hat - talking to family - moving back and forth - and with each step - he became more familiar - more similar to David's body structure and movement. The same shoulders, arm length, size of chest and length of legs - similar in walk and movement - like watching an old video. I watched and waited for more - more reminders of David's presence on this earth. I drank in memories of David on the beach and enjoyed the refreshment of focusing on his love and the joy that he brought into my life.

As a tear began to form, I thanked The Lord for every day I was on this earth with him. I thanked The Lord for my life and for his presence in it. And, then I reminded myself that he was extremely happy right now in heaven - he was with His Lord and his work here was completed.

So, I put down my book, turned my gaze from the ocean to Marty, sitting at a patio table reading e-mails. I walked over and kissed him on the top of his head as I thanked God for his presence in my life.

We serve an amazingly loving Lord. His love overflows when we notice it.