Tuesday, April 1, 2014

So Familiar - So Similar

It started with the hotel giving us a room on the 4th floor and as we walked to our unit, it was on the right side of the building. The balcony view of the ocean was so familiar - so similar to the view I enjoyed in Florida for years with David at Silver Thatch Ocean Club, Unit 412 - our winter haven from the snow. We called it a "little slice of heaven".

The second morning, as I began my day with this beautiful ocean view, I noticed people starting to walk alongside the cresting surf - some were playing, some were jogging, some were walking their dogs - but all were enjoying God's creation of the ebb and flow of the beautiful blue water and the sweet, soft, almost-pink sand beneath their feet.

Marty and I spent some time studying Scripture and then prayed together to start the day. I decided to sit a while longer and read in a comfortable lounge chair, enjoying the sweet aroma of the ocean breeze.

And, out of the corner of my eye - a very familiar sight - a tall, thin man wearing long blue swim trunks and a golf hat - talking to family - moving back and forth - and with each step - he became more familiar - more similar to David's body structure and movement. The same shoulders, arm length, size of chest and length of legs - similar in walk and movement - like watching an old video. I watched and waited for more - more reminders of David's presence on this earth. I drank in memories of David on the beach and enjoyed the refreshment of focusing on his love and the joy that he brought into my life.

As a tear began to form, I thanked The Lord for every day I was on this earth with him. I thanked The Lord for my life and for his presence in it. And, then I reminded myself that he was extremely happy right now in heaven - he was with His Lord and his work here was completed.

So, I put down my book, turned my gaze from the ocean to Marty, sitting at a patio table reading e-mails. I walked over and kissed him on the top of his head as I thanked God for his presence in my life.

We serve an amazingly loving Lord. His love overflows when we notice it.

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