Thursday, May 29, 2014

Yankee Doodle Dandy

It began with me running past the police because I thought the parade had begun - and I was still blocks away and did not want to miss the start because I was told my granddaughter would be near the front - but the children carrying the flags I noticed from a distance took backward steps to form a line on either side of the parade route.
I was on time.

What a beautiful day for a parade!
Trying to walk around all the spectators who had marked their territory - trying not to step on their blankets or budge their chairs as I searched for a shady spot to wait and watch - and I found it! Slowly sinking into a comfortable position to wait, I surmised the crowd. So many people wearing red, white and blue. So many flags. So much fun!
I decided that my white hat, red shorts and blue shirt fit in nicely.

Waiting - waiting - and I hear it - engines charging - flags waving - feet stomping in unison - and it began! The sites and sounds were exciting - the music was so patriotic - the cars filled with veterans and families who had lost a loved one in battle - loud applause - people shouting THANK YOU! - and rightly so. I shouted the same to many - clapped loudly - moved my feet when the band passed - and then, without realizing I knew the words, sang along with songs I loved - songs about a flag, a free country and those who gave so much for us to be free.

The motorcycle vets passed proudly - roaring so loudly we weren't heard, but still applauded.

All the young people playing in school bands - so many young lives lifting our spirits on a solemn day - showing us hope for the next generation - demonstrating respect for our country.

I jumped along with some of the music - watched closely for any sign of my granddaughter's baseball team - thanked God for all those who served and for an opportunity to remember - and - promised to watch Yankee Doodle Dandy when I got home.

Memorial Day - we will remember, Lord.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Shout Out!

We are blessed by relationships. Some come and go, but, God gives us some people to strengthen His voice in our hearts - to speak His Truth into our lives - to pour His love into us - as an encouragement - whatever length of time.

And it just feels good to know such people. It just feels good to think about them - and we smile and say thank you to God for creating them - just the way they are - and then allowing them to be a part of our journey on earth.

Today, I pray you are blessed with many of these relationships in your life - as I have been - and that you continue to become a person who brings joy to others - who brings God's Truth and love to others - who, when others think of you, they smile and thank God for creating you.

This is a shout out to one of these people in my life - Janet is celebrating her birthday today - and she loves this blog - and I believe it pleased God when He designed and created her.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer!

For Jesus' Glory - and thanking God for His amazing creative genius when He created each of us!
