Sunday, June 23, 2013

And I Wonder

Wonder is a sweet word - brings thoughts of things that take your breath away.
Wonder also implies thinking - pondering - and this morning, I am wondering.
Can I keep my focus, during this wonder, on the positive thoughts - things that take my breath away?
It begins with parenting - a lot of thoughts of parenting today.
I heard that my parents, while my Mom was pregnant with her fifth child, were homeless - all belongings were put on the street because they did not have the rent money. I believe it was caused by my Dad's gambling - but only think that because I know he had a good job with the electric company. I do wonder, though.
What could it have done to my Mom? What thoughts did the enemy fill her head with and what fears became her companions during that time?
Here, I arrive, years later - and, though I was a blessing from God, what did she have to give me as an infant? Did she have any security in her life to provide for so many children? Or, did I receive her fears? Just wondering.

Because, here I am today. A blessed, grateful woman of God. A grateful Mom and Grandma -
and I sit in wonder about what God has made of my life and what He will make of my children's lives. And, it takes my breath away :)
"God will work all things out for good, for those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
God can take all I have been - all of my past - and all of my present - and make a beautiful future out of it because I love Him - and want His purposes to prevail in my life.
Have your way, Lord - Take my breath away :)
You are a wonder-ful God!!

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