Thursday, September 3, 2009

Further Away and Closer To

Each day brings me further away from the wonderful moments in time I spent with David that are captured in pictures around my home. As I glance at some photos tonight, I think - his presence in my life is getting further away. It stings a little less everytime I think of enjoying something together.
And, as the memories get further away, our future together gets closer. Each day that passes brings me closer to eternity. I get closer to seeing Jesus in Heaven and enjoying what plans He has for my future, which I know will include more time with David :)
So, I'm actually growing further away from David's physical presence here on earth, but closer to his physical presence in eternity. Quite a thought!
I was given a gift from God yesterday in Scripture.
I may have written about the elderly woman at the nursing home that gave me a "pearl of wisdom" when she said, "My husband has been gone for around six years. I miss him every day and I find joy every day." My reply to her was "That is my motto! Thank you!"
Well, yesterday, God showed me it was in His Word. May I share from 2 Corinthians 6:10 "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing". My motto.May God give you reason to rejoice - or, may you notice all the reasons in your life to rejoice and thank God :)
Love you, Mary

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