Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Clean Car

There is something beautiful about a clean car - well, actually, a clean anything is my preference. I have been accused of being a "clean freak" - maybe it is just a strength and a weakness.
So, getting ready to pick my boyfriend up from a long trip tonight, I decide to use the final coupon on my summer coupons for a car wash. The weather app on my phone predicted 0% chance of rain until tonight - after the airport run.
So, excited to have all the prior dirt and bugs removed, I enjoy the bubbles hitting my window - again, maybe the clean freak in me - or the child who likes bubbles - and I slowly pull into the stall to have it dried. I "over" tip the gentleman drying it - after all, he did spend a lot of time on it - and I am in a generous mood.
Making two stops on the way home, I avoid a dirty part of the road - driving slowly around hardened construction mud - and pull into the club house at Carillon for time on the elliptical machine before heading home. Twenty minutes on this machine always blesses my body.
As I get out of the car, I notice some drops that trailed down the windows after the young man's hard work.
So, I find paper towels in the back of my car - thank you, Lord, that I always carry them - and walk around the car with the finishing touch applied. It is a beautiful car, if I say so myself.
After ten minutes on the elliptical - while enjoying quick stepping praise music - I notice something happening outside the window. We call it rain.
Really? Really!!
I watch it - thinking of all the unnecessary work performed in the last hour on this car.
But, I still finish my workout - I don't know if rushing home would have saved me any drops.
And, as I exit the club house, the rain has stopped and the sun is out - brightly shining on all the wet drops on my car.

It reminds me that the best intentions in our lives may not always be the right timing - even if the timing makes sense to us - and we check with apps - and whatever other knowledge we have on earth.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart - and lean not on your own understanding." - OH - I love that verse.

And, I do know that whatever my car looks like for the rest of today - it will always be beautiful :)
Have a beautiful day!

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