Standing in the doorway, blocking my entrance, the young Mom finally noticed me. She moved her stroller and waited her turn. The young lady at Mrs. Field's Cookies in the Outlet Mall took her order. I waited. She then asked for my order and I asked for the large cookie ordered for Trace's birthday party today.
"OH!" The young Mom exclaims as she is paying for her order. "I have a coupon on my phone - you get six free cookies with that large cookie!"
"Really?", I ask.
"Yes, I will show you!" she says as she pulls it up on her phone.
"It says it must be printed out, but let me ask - can she use this coupon for her order today?" she quizzes the sales clerk while showing her the coupon on her phone.
"Yes, I will give them to her." The sales clerk adds to our conversation.
"Well, thank you!" I say to both.
"I will take two chocolate chip, two oatmeal raisin and two peanut butter." I say as I surmise the case packed with treats.
I pay for my large cookie and as I walk out of the store, I notice the young Mom, now bent over feeding her child in the stroller, and I thank her again.
Walking into the Designer Fragrance Store a ways down, I gently slide the large cookie and the bag of smaller cookies on the counter near the register.
"Is that for us?" the sales clerk asks.
"No, but if you buy one, you get six smaller ones for free." I share.
"OH - I am just kidding. But it would be nice to get cookies for my employees." She says as she walks to look for the bottle of fragrance matching the empty one I pull from my purse.
As she returns with the fragrance and rings it up, I ask,
"How many employees do you have here today?"
"Hmmm" she says, as her eyes move slightly toward her eyebrows and she thinks, picturing each one in her head.
"There are six of us here today."
"Well," I say, "Here are two chocolate chip, two peanut butter and two oatmeal raisin cookies - six in all - enjoy"
"Really?" she says.
I place the bag on the counter.
So, I was simply the Middle Woman - walking in between a young Mom with a coupon to share and six employees at the fragrance store that needed a cookie break today.
We never know when The Good Lord may use others to bless us - and use us to bless others :))
Walking with Him is fun!!
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