Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I beleive the best wisdom comes from Scripture, but God can use anyone, or anything, to speak wisdom to us, if we have ears to hear.
Visiting with her in the nursing home, she told me she was "in her 90's" as we sat on the bench and shared some time together in the garden near the little waterfall. "My husband passed around 6 years ago," she said. "We had been married many, many years." And, then it hit me. The pearl of wisdom I took from our conversation: "I try to enjoy every day and I miss him every day." And, then she grinned.
Simple really. But, profound for me. My motto. I try to enjoy every day and I miss him every day. And, I trust that will be the story of my life until I see him again - face to face in heaven.
In the meantime, may you enjoy every day - by God's grace and favor.
For Jesus' Glory, Mary

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