Monday, March 12, 2012


Having difficulty falling asleep last night. So much on my mind - some good and some sad - and trying to take the thoughts captive.
Since I was awake, I lay in bed with the lights off and played the card game of hearts on my I-phone. Then I decided to try to sleep and turned off the game, I laid my phone on the side table and, with my eyes opened, stared at the ceiling. The light of the phone went off and the room was dark.
Suddenly, the light went back on.
"Who would call me - or text me - at this hour?" I thought, as I reached for it.
There was no call or text coming in, but the phone was lit up by the IPOD app. I looked at it again and it was ready to play a song - I had pushed nothing to get to the song, but did push the triangle to play the illuminated song.
"Crown Him With Many Crowns" played softly from my I-phone.
I cried as I remembered how amazing and big Our God is - and how I need to bow at His feet.
"What crown was I trying to wear by fretting?"
I put down the phone when it finished and lay in the dark for a while.
"Where did that song come from?" I wondered.
So, I searched on the IPOD app - and could only find it by pushing several buttons like "songs" and then searching under the "C's" for the title.
Since it was not easy to find, I wondered how it showed up so clearly and quickly a half hour ago.
Then, I decided - it was a gift from a messenger of God. It comforted me and put things in perspective so I could sleep. I pray it blesses you if you can't sleep.

Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne.
Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own.
Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee,
And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.

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