Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Quiet Season

It always seems like something huge makes us stop. Surgery, sickness or pain will become an opportunity to stop.
Opportunity? Yes, that is what I believe it is - an opportunity.
When I prepared myself for surgery in late January, I took the time to withdraw from all my commitments. After all, how could I minister to others when I did not know what I would need myself.
At that time, I did not see it as an opportunity - I saw it as a heavy interruption in my life.
It was very difficult. It is always difficult to walk through a season of life you did not want - or plan.
But, why is that?

Why is it so hard to stop and take care of ourselves and so easy to interrupt our lives to take care of others?
I wonder if I value others more than I value myself.

Well, my quiet season changed me. I took time to rest and recuperate - took time to build up my body and make it strong for the future - I took time for myself.
But, when you are quiet, you have to wrestle with thoughts of worth - value.
How can I be of value when I am just being still?

Now, it turned out that, even though the quiet time seemed boring, I learned a valuable lesson - just "being" has value.

My value is not dependent on anything of this earth - it is dependent on communion with Jesus. I am valuable because I was created to "be" - and He is at work continually - I do not have to be. And, when I have a quiet season, I need to embrace it to make myself stronger.

I believe I have been "busy" about My Father's Business - but I was also sidetracked with a lot of thoughts and actions that were not from Him - thoughts of "doing". It reminded me of the Biblical story of Martha and Mary - Martha was so busy and Mary just sat at Jesus' feet. And, He commended her for sitting at His feet.

So, whether you enter into a quiet season - or are in a busy season of your life - enjoy every opportunity to just "be" with Him - and He will take care of the work.

For Jesus' Glory, Mary

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